Our Executive Director was interviewed by HOY TV

Mr. Hugh Chow, Executive Director of The ESG CONSORTIUM interviewed by HOY TV (“開電視”) - Topics in Focus (“聲東擊西”) in Mid-March. And shares a few things - what's The ESG Consortium, our...[...]
Mr. Hugh Chow, Executive Director of The ESG CONSORTIUM interviewed by HOY TV (“開電視”) - Topics in Focus (“聲東擊西”) in Mid-March. And shares a few things - what's The ESG Consortium, our...[...]
Mr. Hugh Chow, Executive Director of ESGC was invited to meet Mr. Dominic Lam and Mr. Kevin Ng of The Chinese Manufacturers' Association 香港中華廠商聯合會 (CMA) on 14 March, 2023. The ESG CONSORTIUM are looking forward...[...]
The ESG Consortium (ESGC) proudly presents the event "Embrace ESG adoption in Construction and Green Financing", with strong support by the Hang Seng Bank. Seminar Details as below, Date: 14th March,...[...]
The ESG Consortium (ESGC) and BEAM Society Limited (BSL) hosted a joint seminar on Feb 28, titled Embrace ESG Adoption in the Data Centre Ecosystem. Audience included IT operators and business leaders...[...]
Mr. Stephen WONG and Ir Edmund LEUNG (Committee Chairmen of the The ESG Consortium (ESGC), and Mr. Hugh Chow, Executive Director ESGC, had the great honor to welcome two new Advisors to ESGC:...[...]
The The ESG Consortium (ESGC) is committed to providing organizations with an ESG benchmark that are affordable, accountable, actionable and apprehensible to their specific industries. Our vision is to promote ESG and...[...]