The HKCSS Caring Company Scheme Research Findings Release 

The ESG Consortium is proud to support the “Caring Company Scheme” by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). This initiative has been a cornerstone in fostering corporate social responsibility and sustainable development in Hong Kong for over two decades. We invite you to explore the latest research findings and learn about the exciting new developments for 2024/25.

Event Highlights
The “Caring Company Scheme 2023/24: Caring Connection cum Research Findings Release” event was successfully held during the S+ Summit and Expo on 3 May 2024. This event marked a significant milestone with key insights from a large-scale survey conducted in November 2023, gathering valuable opinions from nearly 2,000 stakeholders.

Youtube Link :

Watch the Event Highlights:

  • Welcome Speech by Chief Executive (00:05)
  • Research Findings Release (09:15)
  • Future Prospects (26:38)

    The video is in Cantonese.

For more information and to access the full research findings, please visit the The Caring Company Scheme Research Findings Release & 2024/25 Nomination Arrangement

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